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Hello! Happy Wednesday...

It's been a crazy past week in Astrology with all of these planets in retrograde... Just when you think some of the craziness is over... this happens to remind us all "Not so fast, you better watch yourself and think about what you have learned during this time."

For me, quarantine has been a really beautiful time of self reflection. I've been able to forge a deeper connection with myself than I've ever had before. And with this it's given me the ability to heal old wounds for a final time to create space for a new beginning.

Recently I felt the calling to come home to myself and go to where feels like home.

OK... so I know we aren't supposed to travel during quarantine but my Sagittarius moon was literally craving for wanderlust. I debated going on a 13 day hike around the Tahoe Basin, visiting my best friend in Montana, or going to visit an old friend in a city I used to call home, San Diego.

It was a tough decision to make, but I felt my soul longing to go to the ocean. I literally kept having visions of the rocky cliffs in La Jolla and the feeling of sand under my feet. So I packed up my car and headed South for the hopes of a refreshed state of mind and the feeling of returning home.

For my personal Astro Map, the Moon IC line runs straight through San Diego.

The moon line shows:

  1. Places that you will feel very at home

  2. Where you want to spend time around family or start a family.

  3. You will want to nurture/take care of the people around you.

  4. This energy also leaves you feeling more connected to your emotions, and you might even have a sense that you've had a past life in this place.

The IC in astrology is your private life, it's who you are at home and around your family.

By staying on a Moon IC line the feeling of home and family is doubled, you will feel connected to this in an even stronger way.

My first experience with the moon line was when I was 18.

My high school boyfriend moved down to SD and I went to stay with him for a week at his new home in Mission Beach. To say I felt instantly at home was an under statement. It was love at first sight for me, I felt so at home in this place and knew I wanted to move there someday. When I got home from that trip I wrote in my journal "Is this my home I just don't know.. all I know is that when I'm there I feel everything and since I got back I feel nothing".

If that's not some strong moon line vibes I don't know what is! So crazy because I didn't even know anything about Astrology or Astrocartography at this point in my life but I could feel the energy so intensely!

I ended up moving there about 2 years after that first experience. It was such a divine experience because I had no plan but everything aligned to find me a place to live, roommates to live with, and a job. I was going to school at this time so I needed a part time job. Of course, I chose to be a nanny for a family with 3 kids. Looking back this doesn't surprise me at all because that type of work is so in alignment with the moon energy.

I had the most amazing time living there for a couple of years. My roommate became like a sister to me and we had so much fun together exploring our new home.

Things started to turn south after a while, as she became addicted to substances. I ended up taking on a lot of her emotions during this time. I cared about her so much, almost as if I was her mother. I realize now that this type of relationship is very in sync for the moon line.

If you are traveling to or live on your moon line, it's so important to protect your energy! Otherwise, it's very easy to absorb the emotions of others and feel a great responsibility to take care of them.

That is what happened to me there, I felt so responsible for helping my friend get sober that it completely took over my emotional wellbeing. Nurturing and taking care of others is an amazing thing but it's so important not to lose touch with your own self care.

After a while this intense relationship became too much for me. I decided that I needed to either move out or move home. I really didn't want to leave this place at the time, but I felt that going back to Northern California made more sense for me at the time.

Once I moved home, I immediately got into a relationship with a guy who was also from San Diego. I felt a very strong past life energy towards him and felt a deep emotional connection. Such moon line vibes again! Because of that, I took on his emotions too. It quickly turned into a codependent almost mother-child dynamic. I felt so strongly connected to everything he was feeling and wanted to nurture him.


These are the types of themes I have personally experienced on my moon line:

Because the moon line gives you an ability to deeply tap into other's emotions, it is very easy for others to lean on you for emotional support. They feel the deep sense of understanding/compassion that you have for them. It draws them to you in a very deep way, which creates a family like bond. Strangers in this place sense this energy from you too, and it's very likely that many people will open up to you, even those you've just met.

This is super magical, but it's important to stay grounded in your own emotions.

The moon line also feels more like home to me than any place I've ever been...

Never in another place have strangers instantly became family.

Also... one last thing.

This sounds crazy and you can choose whether or not you believe me on this.. but when I am on my moon line driving in a new area I've never been, my soul literally knows the way. It remembers each turn and where everything is located, I rarely use GPS in these places which is saying a lot because anywhere else I am constantly getting lost.

Of course this is just my personal experience with the moon IC line. Every aspect will be experienced differently for you depending on the type of line you are on, and the personal parts of your birth chart!

Also important to connecting with people who are from where your moon line is, you can still feel the affects of that place very strongly even if you are far away from that place. This is also true for every planet line in Astrocartography!

So back to my most recent trip...

I just got home a couple of hours ago from my mini trip to my moon line and it really filled me up.

Spending time with an old friend felt so needed after my past few months in isolation. I realized I was craving emotional intensity and deep connection with others. Since those are themes around the moon line I know I made the right choice about where to go.

Seeing the horizon of the ocean left me feeling so much love and comfort. The feeling of home instantly came back. Partly because I was staying with a friend who is basically like a brother to me. But I know it was mainly because of that place. I have so much compassion for everyone I meet on my moon line and those who are from where my moon line is.

I do have to say... that it felt weird coming back to my house in Lake Tahoe today... I am always left with a feeling of emptiness after I leave the moon line. Perhaps one day I will move back again to that place when I am ready to start a family, but for now I have such a strong desire to experience my other Astrocartography lines.

We truly have so much to learn from each place we travel to. And by tapping into your intuition, you will be guided to where you need to be in this phase of life.

Traveling to a moon line right now after quarantine is over would be a great choice if you feel the need to come home to yourself! Because many of us have been in isolation, the moon line will help you establish a deep connection and feeling of home.

I hope you all have a wonderful week! I'm sending you sooooo much love as I write this!

With everything going on in the world right now it's so important to reflect inward, protect your energy, and set loving intentions.

Use the rest of this week to focus on self care as we end Pisces season and enter the New Astrological year on Saturday.

On March 21st our sun moves into Aries season, beginning the New Year in Astrology and creates a determined, driven, and strong ripple effect on our energy. The world needs strong, powerful leaders more than ever right now, and Aries season will bring that about.

Combine this with Saturn moving into Aquarius on the 21st as well, we are entering a shift in consciousness, this will bring a more community oriented and futuristic thinking vibe.

This is a time for powerful shifts in the collective and ourselves. Use the rest of this week for self care and self love and let all of the new beginnings take place on the 21st.

Let yourself relax and just be for the rest of the week.

5 tips for SELF CARE for the end of the Astrological year.

  1. Create a Sacred space. Find a place in your home where you can lay out your yoga mat, candles, and essential oils. Make this a place where you can go to reflect, cleanse your energy, and set loving intentions for yourself. This is so powerful, because it's so important to have somewhere where you can just be, relax, and focus all your energy inward.

  2. Cleanse your home by diffusing essential oils, creating loving energy, and smudging sage. This only works if you set a powerful intention on creating a shift in the energy by focusing on love and rejuvenating of our conscious mind. We must be aware of our thoughts in order for our home to be cleansed as well, because everything is just a reflection of what we are feeling.

  3. Get outside once a day no matter the weather. We need to connect with Earth energy now more than ever. It's a reminder to stay grounded, that we are all connected, and everything is just a cycle of death and rebirth. With everything happening, fresh air + nature is so important. We must learn from the seasons that change is okay and necessary.

  4. Heal your body by eating foods with pure life energy. Start your day with lemon water, celery juice, or something that creates a vibrant feeling within. We must keep our bodies pure to connect to our own higher self. Stay away from old vices at this time, as it's important to have a clear energy field of your body right now, and anything that creates toxins will affect our thoughts and ability to heal ourselves.

  5. Meditate and journal. Try to go into a deep state of meditation first so that you can connect with your heart space. By doing this, you are allowing thoughts to flow freely with no ego. It's almost as if your spirit guides are communicating through you. This is so powerful because it allows us to write from our subconscious and connect with our higher selves.

These are tips, I use everyday to cleanse my energy and create more self love.

It's so powerful that we do things to heal ourselves right now, as we are in a difficult time with the collective energy, and must raise our own frequency first.

Pisces season is all about healing and intuition. It's okay to rest, the world is practically forcing us right now.

This is not a time to be driven and in our masculine, that will start next week in Aries season.

This ending of the Astrological year is a time to connect with our feminine, heal ourselves, and use our powerful intuition to create more love.

  • Writer's pictureAlyssa Lauren

Updated: Mar 12, 2020

Moments of synchronicity are signs from the universe that we are being supported!

I have those moments often.

And when I look back at my life I realize that I have gotten everything I’ve ever wanted. You attract what you feel energetically. Whenever I am in my high vibe frequency, it feels as if the things I want are effortlessly being placed in my lap.

I've had a strong connection to spirit for my whole life. I have lost it at times, but it always finds it's way back to me.

I had my first spiritual awakening at a very early age. At 17, I found myself completely uninterested in partying, but instead, searching for ways to live a vibrant lifestyle. My vision at this time was to “Be the Light”. I would meditate on this daily and made it my purpose to show up in every situation as a shining light. I became a raw vegan to harness a deeper connection with the earth and started working at a cold pressed juice shop. I was so passionate about these things at that time in my life, that I thought my purpose was to be a raw chef. I had visions of creating a sanctuary space where people could come to learn about holistic health, eat raw foods, and escape everyday life into some sort of 5th dimension dream land. I saw swinging aerial hammocks from the ceiling, cozy floor nooks, an organic vegetable garden outside where we would grow all our own produce, and healing energy spaces where healers would come to do their work. I was so passionate about this dreamy vision I held inside, that I lost complete interest in things that were normal for a 17 year old. Instead of going to parties and hanging out with my friends, I began to turn inward for my fulfillment and spent my days meditating and hiking in the woods. I dreamed of seclusion, of growing all my own food, of living in the jungle off grid and being a healer.

However, after a couple of years of pursuing my passions and living my truth, I began to feel very isolated. All of my friends were off at college. At the time, I was living with a few childhood friends I had loved for years, they were like family… but I was growing distant from them due to our much different interests. I found my peace in nature and around my coworkers at the juice shop, who I could talk about astrology and natural medicine with. But something was missing from my life, I wasn’t fulfilled by living in a small suburb of Sacramento near where I grew up. I craved the ocean, I longed to live by the beach and wake up to the sound of the waves crashing. I wanted to live somewhere that had a more spiritual, health oriented community. Everyone had always been so conservative in the place I grew up, I needed to be around more open minded people.

So I moved to San Diego.

I absolutely loved it there and was so excited to embrace my truth further, by going back to school to get a nutrition degree to start my career as a holistic healer. I met amazing people and was living my life to the fullest for the first time in years… I had great spiritual minded friends. My life was so free, I was having the time of my life.

However, after being in San Diego for about a year, the fun energetic environment changed me… I began to give in to my old vices, and found myself drinking and smoking weed nearly everyday. While I still was healthy with my raw foods and exercise, I no longer could find my glowing light. It was almost as if I had lost access with my spiritual side entirely. At that time, instead of eating these foods for loving energy and working out for my mental health, I became really focused on my appearance. I became someone I didn’t recognize.. always having to look perfect, partying everyday, and becoming super materialistic. This went on for a couple years after that unfortunately. I no longer had good soul friends, all my relationships had become very superficial and based entirely on ego. I even dated someone for over a year entirely based on his appearance and outer self, even though we had no real soul connection.

I was so lost… Where was that girl I used to be?

I so desperately wanted her back but had no idea how. I started to develop anxiety and depression. I couldn’t go on living this lie anymore, wearing all of these masks… I needed to connect to my truth again..

And so I did.. I spent all my time rebuilding my connection with spirit… I did things based purely on energy. I traveled to Sedona to heal at the energy vortexes. I meditated everyday, I listened to Spiritual podcasts everyday and started harnessing my power again. It felt incredible! I was finally myself again.

I bought a one way ticket to South America. I had visions of volunteering, doing Ayahuasca and traveling to my energetic astrology lines. I was so lit up by finally living as my soul again instead of my ego.

I traveled for 4 months in 3 different countries during this time. I spent about 2 months on my Neptune line, which was a deeply healing experience. I didn’t end up doing Ayahuasca ( I believe mama Ayahuasca has a sacred connection to all beings and won’t let you use her medicine until you are ready.. I don’t think I was ready.). I met amazing friends from all over the world. I let go of my need to be perfect, of my need to please others. All this time healing finally brought me back home to my soul. I could start living my truth again and pursue my inner calling.

I began to see messages from the universe daily. Angel numbers would appear out of thin air, and I would have many synchronistic experiences. Even so much, that I was literally manifesting Tiger's Eye stones to protect my energy (read about that in my earlier post). I started to ignore my ego entirely and rely completely on the universe for answers.

I kept seeing messages to go back to pursuing my original dream of working as a holistic healer… I can’t believe I had lost myself so far that I had let this dream slip out of my reach for even just a couple of years. It’s what I am born to do.

I kept receiving downloads to teach locational Astrology. When I first started to learn about this magical subject, it was so hard to find good information. I became completely engulfed in the matter, and spent all my free time learning about the lines and how to read birth charts on a deeper level. I was so obsessed that I would spend hours each day learning about the planetary energies, how to relocate a birth chart. And then while I was traveling, I chose specifically to go to a location based on which planets I had there. I had been wanting to go to my Jupiter line so bad, and I finally had the opportunity.

And it was so magical! Spending time on my Jupiter line, I felt so free, I felt so much love from everyone I met. I felt so supported and able to step into my light.. I honestly couldn’t even bear the thought of leaving this place because I felt so good…

After spending time on my Jupiter line, it really inspired me to not be afraid. I lost sight of my truth for those couple of years because I felt so afraid to express my inner light in a world with so much judgement. But with Jupiter, I felt infinitely supported to speak my truth. The fear diminished entirely.

And so that's what I did. I let go of fear.

When I got home, after having such a profound experience using locational astrology, I felt deeply inspired to teach others how to harness the energy.

So now I am living my truth, doing the things that light me up and bring joy to my soul. It feels so good to be connected to my higher purpose instead of living the everyday rat race that I gave into for the couple of years I lost my connection to spirit.

We all deserve to live our truth and the world needs us to show up as our highest self. Things are changing very rapidly right now , there is a global awakening happening that is so profound, yet deeply inspiring. It's our job to live in our own light so that we can inspire others to find theirs. It's time for us to wake up as a society and shed all of our old masks.


"Travel light. Live light. Spread the light. Be the light. "

Yogi Bhajan

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